Flight JL5415 Japan Airlines Domestic: San Diego — Portland

Japan Airlines Domestic JL5415 / ASA575

San Diego — Portland

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
16:43 19:09
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history JL5415 Japan Airlines Domestic: San Diego — Portland

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Sun. 19 june15:3517:37--
Thu. 18 june15:3517:37--
Thu. 17 june15:3517:37--
Thu. 16 june15:3517:4515:3417:41
Thu. 15 june15:2517:4215:2917:43
Thu. 14 june15:2517:3115:3417:40
Thu. 13 june15:2517:3015:3417:34
Thu. 12 june15:3517:4715:3117:39
Thu. 11 june15:2517:3115:3517:38
Thu. 10 june15:3517:5515:4617:55
Wed. 09 june15:2517:3215:4517:55
Wed. 08 june15:2517:2715:3717:35
Wed. 07 june15:2517:3015:4717:48

Flight Japan Airlines Domestic JL5415 (San Diego — Portland) running from the airport San Diego International Airport (SAN), to the airport Portland International Airport (PDX). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-700. Flight distance is 1503 km / 811 miles, and the average flight length is 2 h. 26 min.

Low Price Calendar San Diego — Portland

Types of aircraft flying JL5415 Japan Airlines Domestic: San Diego — Portland

Boeing 737-800
Board numbers:
N527AS, N551AS, N528AS

Boeing 737-700
Board numbers:
N281AK, N611AS, N278AK, N275AK, N402AS, N434AS, N487AS, N431AS, N280AK


Boeing 737-700


[SAN] San Diego International Airport
+13.8 C 761 mm Hg. 77%
[PDX] Portland International Airport
+5 C 760 mm Hg. 87%


San Diego — Portland

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board