Flight MU2528 China Eastern Airlines: Sanya — Wuhan

China Eastern Airlines MU2528 / CES2528

Sanya — Wuhan

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
23:30 01:50
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history MU2528 China Eastern Airlines: Sanya — Wuhan

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 24 december23:3001:40--
Thu. 23 december23:3001:40--
Thu. 21 december23:3001:5723:2701:28
Thu. 20 december23:3001:4923:3201:40
Sat. 18 december23:3001:5123:3001:53
Sat. 17 december23:3001:4923:3201:29
Sat. 16 december23:3001:5623:2401:23
Thu. 14 december23:3001:4323:3801:40
Thu. 13 december23:3001:4923:3301:38
Thu. 11 december23:3001:3923:4802:06

Flight China Eastern Airlines MU2528 (Sanya — Wuhan) running from the airport Sanya Phoenix International Airport (SYX), to the airport Wuhan Tianhe International Airport (WUH). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-800. Flight distance is 1470 km / 793 miles, and the average flight length is 2 h. 20 min.

Low Price Calendar Sanya — Wuhan

Types of aircraft flying MU2528 China Eastern Airlines: Sanya — Wuhan

Boeing 737-500
Board numbers:
B-7031, B-5473, B-5779, B-5472, B-5517, B-5501, B-5530, B-5475


Boeing 737-800


[SYX] Sanya Phoenix International Airport
+25 C 760 mm Hg. 83%
[WUH] Wuhan Tianhe International Airport
+10 C 765 mm Hg. 71%


Sanya — Wuhan

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board