Flight VN19 Vietnam Airlines: Hanoi — Paris

Vietnam Airlines VN19 / HVN19

Hanoi — Paris
On the way / Scheduled    Telegram Flight Status

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
23:35 06:20
Actual departure time Actual arrival time
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 months ago

Flight history VN19 Vietnam Airlines: Hanoi — Paris

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 13 february23:3506:20--
Thu. 12 february23:3506:20--
Thu. 11 february23:3506:2000:00On the way / Scheduled
Thu. 10 february23:3506:2002:15+2 h. 40 min.09:24+3 h. 10 min.
Thu. 09 february23:3506:2023:5006:23
Thu. 08 february23:3506:0500:0206:28
Thu. 07 february23:3506:2023:4806:44
Thu. 06 february23:3506:2023:5206:52
Thu. 05 february23:3506:2023:5006:43
Thu. 04 february23:3506:2023:4606:38
Thu. 03 february23:3506:2023:4306:38
Thu. 02 february23:3506:2023:5606:54+0 h. 31 min.
Thu. 01 february23:3506:2023:4406:42
Thu. 31 january23:3506:2023:5605:56
Thu. 30 january23:3506:2023:4306:04

Flight Vietnam Airlines VN19 (Hanoi — Paris) running from the airport Noi Bai International Airport (HAN), to the airport Charles de Gaulle International Airport (CDG). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Airbus A350-900. Flight distance is 9157 km / 4941 miles, and the average flight length is 12 h. 25 min.

Low Price Calendar Hanoi — Paris


Airbus A350-900 [VNA898]

Code sharing

* Code sharing — agreement on joint commercial exploitation of the flight by two or more airlines, one of which is an operator, and the rest sell tickets for the flight of the operating company on their own behalf.


[HAN] Noi Bai International Airport
+20 C 759 mm Hg. 88%
[CDG] Charles de Gaulle International Airport
+8.2 C 758 mm Hg. 93%


Hanoi — Paris

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board