Flight VJ813 VietJet Air: Ho Chi Minh City — Singapore

VietJet Air VJ813 / VJC813

Ho Chi Minh City — Singapore

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
13:50 16:55
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 4 years ago

Flight history VJ813 VietJet Air: Ho Chi Minh City — Singapore

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 02 january06:5009:35--
Thu. 01 january06:5009:35--
Thu. 31 december06:5009:3507:37+0 h. 47 min.10:15
Thu. 30 december06:5009:3507:28+0 h. 38 min.10:14
Thu. 29 december06:5009:35--
Thu. 28 december06:5009:3507:37+0 h. 47 min.10:18
Thu. 27 december06:5009:35--
Thu. 26 december06:5009:3507:0909:47
Thu. 25 december06:5009:3507:0609:51
Thu. 24 december06:5009:35--
Thu. 23 december06:5009:3507:30+0 h. 40 min.10:04
Thu. 22 december06:5009:3507:36+0 h. 46 min.10:15
Thu. 21 december06:5009:3507:45+0 h. 55 min.10:23
Thu. 20 december06:5009:35--

Flight VietJet Air VJ813 (Ho Chi Minh City — Singapore) running from the airport Tan Son Nhat International Airport (SGN), to the airport Singapore Changi Airport (SIN). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Airbus А320. Flight distance is 1093 km / 590 miles, and the average flight length is 2 h. 5 min.

Low Price Calendar Ho Chi Minh City — Singapore

Types of aircraft flying VJ813 VietJet Air: Ho Chi Minh City — Singapore

Airbus A321-200
Board numbers:
VNA607, VNA654, VNA693, VNA641, VNA670, VNA630, VNA637, VNA687, VNA645, VNA661, VNA677


Airbus А320


[SGN] Tan Son Nhat International Airport
+32 C 757 mm Hg. 49%
[SIN] Singapore Changi Airport
+30.8 C 758 mm Hg. 70%


Ho Chi Minh City — Singapore

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board