Flight UA999 United Airlines: New York — Brussels

United Airlines UA999 / UAL999

New York — Brussels

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
18:25 07:45
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 1 year ago

Flight history UA999 United Airlines: New York — Brussels

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 24 december19:1007:56--
Thu. 23 december19:0907:54--
Thu. 22 december19:0907:54--
Thu. 21 december19:0907:3520:03+0 h. 38 min.08:19
Thu. 20 december19:0907:2820:55+1 h. 24 min.09:18+1 h. 17 min.
Thu. 19 december19:0907:3121:39+2 h. 7 min.10:20+2 h. 19 min.
Thu. 18 december19:0907:3422:0310:25+2 h. 28 min.
Thu. 17 december19:0907:3620:26+1 h. 17 min.08:40+1 h. 4 min.
Thu. 16 december19:0907:3020:1908:32+0 h. 32 min.
Thu. 15 december19:0907:3119:5808:10
Thu. 14 december19:1007:3419:4907:49
Thu. 13 december19:0907:0820:39+0 h. 35 min.08:40+0 h. 42 min.
Thu. 12 december19:1006:5119:4207:17
Thu. 11 december19:0906:4519:5607:28
Thu. 10 december19:0906:5620:0007:59

Flight United Airlines UA999 (New York — Brussels) running from the airport Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), to the airport Brussels Airport (BRU). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 777. Flight distance is 5907 km / 3187 miles, and the average flight length is 7 h. 20 min.

Low Price Calendar New York — Brussels

Types of aircraft flying UA999 United Airlines: New York — Brussels

Board numbers:
N91007, N16008, N14001, N12006, N12003, N12004

Board numbers:


Boeing 777


[EWR] Newark Liberty International Airport
+0.6 C 766 mm Hg. 74%
[BRU] Brussels Airport
+7.6 C 755 mm Hg. 87%


New York — Brussels

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board