Flight UA1118 United Airlines: Cancun — Orlando

United Airlines UA1118 / UAL1118

Cancun — Orlando
On the way / Scheduled    Telegram Flight Status

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
17:50 20:27
Actual departure time Actual arrival time
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history UA1118 United Airlines: Cancun — Orlando

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 23 december17:5020:50--
Thu. 22 december17:5020:12--
Thu. 21 december17:5020:2718:29On the way / Scheduled
Thu. 20 december17:5020:1518:1820:50
Thu. 19 december17:5020:1418:0720:27
Thu. 18 december17:5020:1318:0320:20
Thu. 17 december17:5019:5418:1320:13
Thu. 16 december17:5020:0018:2020:30
Thu. 15 december17:5020:0918:1920:30
Thu. 14 december17:5020:1718:0120:28
Thu. 13 december17:5020:1518:1720:41
Thu. 12 december17:5020:0917:5920:07
Thu. 11 december17:5020:1318:1220:29
Thu. 10 december20:3821:2200:0400:45

Flight United Airlines UA1118 (Cancun — Orlando) running from the airport Cancún International Airport (CUN), to the airport San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-900. Flight distance is 3871 km / 2089 miles, and the average flight length is 8 h. 5 min.

Low Price Calendar Cancun — Orlando

Types of aircraft flying UA1118 United Airlines: Cancun — Orlando

Boeing 737-900
Board numbers:
N69839, N69816, N77431, N66897, N36472, N37413, N37468, N28478, N53442, N37422, N39450, N47414


Boeing 737-900 [N77431]


[CUN] Cancún International Airport
+22.3 C 762 mm Hg. 100%
[SFO] San Francisco International Airport
+4.9 C 760 mm Hg. 100%


Cancun — Orlando

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board