Flight JL7661 Japan Airlines Domestic: Kansas City — Chicago

Japan Airlines Domestic JL7661 / AAL2533

Kansas City — Chicago

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
09:34 11:04
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history JL7661 Japan Airlines Domestic: Kansas City — Chicago

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 21 october09:3210:49--
Thu. 20 october09:3210:36--
Thu. 19 october09:3210:3809:3710:39
Thu. 18 october09:3210:4909:3110:34
Thu. 17 october09:3210:3409:2510:29
Thu. 16 october09:3210:3309:3110:37
Thu. 15 october09:3210:2909:3910:40
Thu. 14 october09:3210:47--

Flight Japan Airlines Domestic JL7661 (Kansas City — Chicago) running from the airport Kansas City International Airport (MCI), to the airport Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Canadair reg jet 700. Flight distance is 647 km / 349 miles, and the average flight length is 1 h. 30 min.

Low Price Calendar Kansas City — Chicago

Types of aircraft flying JL7661 Japan Airlines Domestic: Kansas City — Chicago

Boeing 737-800
Board numbers:
N943NN, N937AN, N970NN, N944AN, N995NN, N317PG, N973NN, N923AN


[MCI] Kansas City International Airport
+2 C 765 mm Hg. 92%
[ORD] Chicago O'Hare International Airport
+2.6 C 764 mm Hg. 69%


Kansas City — Chicago

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board