Thai AirAsia FD3601 /
Khon Kaen — Phuket
Distance: 1048 km. / 651 miles
Scheduled departure time |
Scheduled Arrival Time |
09:25 |
* Local time
Flight details have been updated a long time ago
Thai AirAsia FD3601 (Khon Kaen — Phuket) running from the airport
Khon Kaen Airport (KKC), to the airport
Phuket International Airport (HKT). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Airbus А320. Flight distance is
1048 km / 565 miles, and the average flight length is
1 h. 50 min.
Low Price Calendar Khon Kaen — Phuket
All data is taken from open sources. The administration of the portal is not responsible for the accuracy of the information. For exact flight information, see the airline's website or the airport's website.