Flight DG6574 South East Asian Airlines: Tacloban — Cebu City

South East Asian Airlines DG6574 / SRQ6574

Tacloban — Cebu City

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
14:45 15:35
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 5 years ago

Flight history DG6574 South East Asian Airlines: Tacloban — Cebu City

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 20 august18:4719:17--
Thu. 19 august18:4719:17--
Thu. 18 august18:4719:3318:4719:21
Thu. 17 august18:4719:3519:1219:45+0 h. 33 min.
Thu. 16 august18:4719:3418:5819:31
Thu. 15 august18:4719:1718:4419:17
Thu. 14 august18:4719:1718:4619:18
Thu. 13 august18:4719:3618:5819:31
Thu. 12 august18:4719:1718:2919:01
Thu. 11 august18:4719:1718:3219:04
Thu. 10 august18:4719:1718:3919:11
Thu. 09 august18:4719:1718:3419:12
Thu. 08 august18:4719:1719:32+0 h. 44 min.20:09+0 h. 51 min.
Thu. 07 august18:4719:1718:5819:35

Flight South East Asian Airlines DG6574 (Tacloban — Cebu City) running from the airport Daniel Z. Romualdez Airport (TAC), to the airport Mactan Cebu International Airport (CEB). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft ATR 42/ATR 72 FR/IT. Flight distance is 154 km / 83 miles, and the average flight length is 0 h. 50 min.

Low Price Calendar Tacloban — Cebu City

Types of aircraft flying DG6574 South East Asian Airlines: Tacloban — Cebu City

Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72
Board numbers:
RP-C7280, RP-C7285, RP-C7283, RP-C7284


[TAC] Daniel Z. Romualdez Airport
+31.1 C 756 mm Hg. 69%
[CEB] Mactan Cebu International Airport
+30 C 757 mm Hg. 62%


Tacloban — Cebu City

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board