Flight BX8113 Air Busan: Busan — Jeju

Air Busan BX8113 / ABL8113

Busan — Jeju

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
15:00 15:55
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history BX8113 Air Busan: Busan — Jeju

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 24 june15:0015:36--
Thu. 23 june15:0015:36--
Thu. 22 june15:0015:2615:2816:05
Mon. 21 june15:0015:3615:4216:13
Mon. 20 june15:0015:2916:00+0 h. 42 min.16:37+0 h. 48 min.
Mon. 19 june15:0015:3015:2216:04
Thu. 18 june15:0015:3415:1316:01
Thu. 17 june15:0015:3115:1415:58
Thu. 16 june15:0915:3915:1715:57
Thu. 15 june15:0015:3615:1816:15
Thu. 14 june15:0015:3415:1516:01
Thu. 13 june15:0015:4015:0716:19
Thu. 11 june15:0915:3715:2016:06

Flight Air Busan BX8113 (Busan — Jeju) running from the airport Gimhae International Airport (PUS), to the airport Jeju International Airport (CJU). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Airbus А321. Flight distance is 291 km / 157 miles, and the average flight length is 0 h. 55 min.

Low Price Calendar Busan — Jeju

Types of aircraft flying BX8113 Air Busan: Busan — Jeju

Airbus A321-200
Board numbers:
HL8073, HL8072, HL7722, HL7731, HL7210, HL8099, HL7713


[PUS] Gimhae International Airport
+7.5 C 763 mm Hg. 52%
[CJU] Jeju International Airport
+11 C 767 mm Hg. 81%


Busan — Jeju

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board