Flight B624 JetBlue Airways: Los Angeles — New York

JetBlue Airways B624 / JBU24

Los Angeles — New York

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
06:00 14:28
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history B624 JetBlue Airways: Los Angeles — New York

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 03 june05:5514:07--
Thu. 02 june05:5514:07--
Thu. 01 june05:5514:0605:5414:00
Thu. 31 may05:4513:4905:5514:01
Thu. 30 may05:5514:1405:5513:56
Tue. 29 may05:5514:2205:4914:02
Fri. 28 may05:4513:4905:5413:55
Fri. 27 may05:4513:4705:5714:10
Thu. 26 may05:4513:3505:5513:36
Thu. 25 may05:4513:4305:5513:54
Thu. 24 may05:4513:4905:5713:58
Thu. 23 may05:4513:5005:5313:54
Thu. 22 may05:4513:5005:5513:48
Thu. 21 may05:4514:0205:4413:53
Thu. 20 may05:4513:4106:0314:03

Flight JetBlue Airways B624 (Los Angeles — New York) running from the airport Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), to the airport John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Airbus A318/319/320/321. Flight distance is 3974 km / 2144 miles, and the average flight length is 5 h. 28 min.

Low Price Calendar Los Angeles — New York

Types of aircraft flying B624 JetBlue Airways: Los Angeles — New York

Airbus A320
Board numbers:
N990JL, N944JT, N985JT, N980JT, N989JT, N961JT, N982JB, N934JB

Airbus A321-200
Board numbers:
N923JB, N934JB, N943JT, N987JT, N984JB, N990JL


[LAX] Los Angeles International Airport
+9.6 C 758 mm Hg. 71%
[JFK] John F Kennedy International Airport
+1.1 C 766 mm Hg. 80%


Los Angeles — New York

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board