Flight AV10 Avianca - Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia: Bogota — Madrid

Avianca - Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia AV10 / AVA10

Bogota — Madrid

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
21:43 14:25
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 2 months ago

Flight history AV10 Avianca - Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia: Bogota — Madrid

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 26 february20:5312:15--
Thu. 25 february20:5312:15--
Thu. 24 february20:5312:15--
Thu. 23 february20:5312:0520:5911:48
Thu. 22 february20:5311:5221:2812:27
Thu. 21 february20:5312:1320:5912:24
Thu. 20 february20:5312:0221:0512:25
Thu. 19 february20:5311:5921:0212:11
Thu. 18 february20:5311:5921:3212:38
Thu. 17 february20:5311:4421:0511:49
Thu. 16 february20:5311:2821:0011:33
Thu. 15 february20:5311:4321:2112:06
Thu. 14 february20:5312:1621:0612:20
Thu. 13 february20:5312:3021:0812:44
Thu. 02 december20:5312:15--

Flight Avianca - Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia AV10 (Bogota — Madrid) running from the airport El Dorado International Airport (BOG), to the airport Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport (MAD). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 787-800. Flight distance is 8031 km / 4334 miles, and the average flight length is 9 h. 42 min.

Low Price Calendar Bogota — Madrid

Types of aircraft flying AV10 Avianca - Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia: Bogota — Madrid

Boeing 787-800
Board numbers:
N796AV, N784AV, N792AV, N786AV, N780AV, N783AV, N791AV


Boeing 787-800


[BOG] El Dorado International Airport
+12 C 770 mm Hg. 81%
[MAD] Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport
+6.1 C 771 mm Hg. 93%


Bogota — Madrid

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board