Flight AA2229 American Airlines: Boston — Phoenix

American Airlines AA2229 / AAL2229

Boston — Phoenix

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
10:00 12:40
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history AA2229 American Airlines: Boston — Phoenix

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 21 october09:5512:22--
Thu. 20 october09:5512:14--
Thu. 19 october09:5512:1610:2113:02
Thu. 18 october09:5512:2810:36+0 h. 41 min.13:02+0 h. 33 min.
Thu. 17 october09:5512:2710:0612:52
Thu. 16 october09:5512:3810:2213:25+0 h. 54 min.
Mon. 15 october09:5512:2510:27+0 h. 32 min.13:28+1 h. 4 min.
Mon. 14 october09:5512:2810:1512:47
Mon. 13 october09:5512:2310:0712:53
Thu. 12 october09:5512:1011:1113:37
Thu. 11 october09:5512:1510:0812:40
Thu. 10 october09:5512:1411:37+1 h. 13 min.14:05+1 h. 42 min.
Thu. 09 october09:5512:0010:0712:11
Thu. 08 october09:5512:1610:0112:14
Thu. 07 october09:5512:0510:0212:16

Flight American Airlines AA2229 (Boston — Phoenix) running from the airport General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport (BOS), to the airport Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-800. Flight distance is 3694 km / 1993 miles, and the average flight length is 5 h. 40 min.

Low Price Calendar Boston — Phoenix

Types of aircraft flying AA2229 American Airlines: Boston — Phoenix

Boeing 737-800
Board numbers:
N854NN, N974AN, N909NN, N904AN, N899NN, N968AN, N949AN, N964NN, N980NN, N943AN, N969NN, N991AN, N829NN, N887NN


Boeing 737-800


[BOS] General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport
-0 C 764 mm Hg. 64%
[PHX] Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
+11.8 C 761 mm Hg. 52%


Boston — Phoenix

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board