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Flight Information 9K18 Cape Air: Billings, MT — Glendive, MT

Flight 9K18 Cape Air: Billings, MT — Glendive, MT

Cape Air 9K18 / KAP18

Billings, MT — Glendive, MT

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
07:04 03:00
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history 9K18 Cape Air: Billings, MT — Glendive, MT

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Wed. 13 october07:4008:5107:3908:45
Thu. 11 october14:2015:3214:1815:27
Thu. 11 october08:0009:0908:1509:19
Thu. 10 october14:3015:4114:2715:28
Thu. 08 october08:3509:4010:18+1 h. 43 min.11:20+1 h. 40 min.
Thu. 07 october13:5015:1213:5815:06

Flight Cape Air 9K18 (Billings, MT — Glendive, MT) running from the airport L M Clayton Airport (OLF), to the airport Billings Logan International Airport (BIL). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft C402. Flight distance is 340 km / 183 miles

Low Price Calendar Billings, MT — Glendive, MT


[OLF] L M Clayton Airport
+3.8 C 758 mm Hg. 64%
[BIL] Billings Logan International Airport
-2.5 C 756 mm Hg. 68%


Billings, MT — Glendive, MT

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board