MacBook Pros prohibited on U.S. flights

MacBook Pros prohibited on U.S. flights

In June Apple made a decision to recall certain 15-inch MacBook Pro laptops. As a result of it, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has brought out regulations banning them onboard of commercial flights. The restriction applies both to hand and hold luggage. If a customer has not had his/her battery replaced free of charge by Apple, so flying via U.S. airports is not an option.

As Apple has claimed the issue has to do with MacBook Pros. But it concerns 15-inch models with Retina displays, sold between the period of September 2015 and February 2017. The issue is that the devices shipped with batteries can overheat leading to a safety risk. Apple’s concern was so great that their customers were advised to leave their devices switched off until being fixed.

The process of fixing takes about two weeks with the battery being replaced. If you doubt your MacBook model, visit Apple support site to check your serial number. The laptops in question have been prohibited by other carrieras as well, for instance, TUI, Italian ones.

As the FAA has stated they are just updating already existing regulations. They refer to lithium batteries shipment and devices with them that are a matter of a safety recall. In case these batteries were considered by copmanies producing them as having a safety defect. So, passengers carrying devices with these batteries may not be allowed to travel.
