Flight Z92036 : Almaty — Pavlodar

Z92036 / BEK2036

Almaty — Pavlodar

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
15:05 16:30
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history Z92036 : Almaty — Pavlodar

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Tue. 21 january14:0015:10--
Tue. 19 january14:0015:1014:1315:43+0 h. 33 min.
Thu. 17 january14:0015:1014:0915:40+0 h. 30 min.
Thu. 14 january14:0015:1014:1115:41+0 h. 31 min.
Thu. 12 january14:0015:1014:0315:32
Tue. 10 january14:0015:1014:1015:39
Thu. 07 january14:0015:1014:0415:39
Thu. 05 january14:0015:1014:0115:37
Thu. 03 january14:0015:1014:0815:43+0 h. 33 min.
Thu. 31 december14:0015:1014:1315:51+0 h. 41 min.
Thu. 24 december14:0015:1014:0715:41+0 h. 31 min.
Tue. 17 december14:0015:1014:0215:31

Flight Z92036 (Almaty — Pavlodar) running from the airport Almaty Airport (ALA), to the airport Pavlodar Airport (PWQ). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Fokker 100. Flight distance is 983 km / 531 miles, and the average flight length is 1 h. 25 min.

Low Price Calendar Almaty — Pavlodar

Types of aircraft flying Z92036 : Almaty — Pavlodar

Fokker F100
Board numbers:
UPF1005, UPF1010, UPF1007, UPF1011


[ALA] Almaty Airport
-6 C 768 mm Hg. 79%
[PWQ] Pavlodar Airport
-9 C 765 mm Hg. 85%


Almaty — Pavlodar

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board