Flight RW3424 Republic Airlines: Newark Liberty Intl — Minneapolis/St Paul Intl

Republic Airlines RW3424 / RPA3424

Newark Liberty Intl — Minneapolis/St Paul Intl

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
03:10PM 19:44
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history RW3424 Republic Airlines: Newark Liberty Intl — Minneapolis/St Paul Intl

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 28 june15:1017:03--
Thu. 27 june15:1016:37--
Thu. 26 june15:1016:4715:3017:01
Thu. 25 june15:1016:3417:41+2 h. 21 min.19:10+1 h. 57 min.
Thu. 24 june15:1017:2215:4218:00+0 h. 50 min.
Thu. 23 june15:1016:2815:2616:49
Thu. 22 june15:1016:3315:2116:54
Thu. 21 june15:1016:4417:03+1 h. 33 min.18:50+1 h. 41 min.
Thu. 20 june15:1016:5620:1321:38
Thu. 19 june15:1016:4116:40+1 h. 8 min.18:09+0 h. 58 min.
Thu. 18 june15:1016:4519:0120:29
Thu. 17 june15:1016:4415:2016:51
Thu. 16 june15:1016:4415:3917:02

Flight Republic Airlines RW3424 (Newark Liberty Intl — Minneapolis/St Paul Intl) running from the airport Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), to the airport Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain Airport (MSP). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft E75L. Flight distance is 1619 km / 873 miles

Low Price Calendar Newark Liberty Intl — Minneapolis/St Paul Intl

Types of aircraft flying RW3424 Republic Airlines: Newark Liberty Intl — Minneapolis/St Paul Intl

Embraer 170/175
Board numbers:
N655RW, N648RW, N652RW, N645RW, N646RW, N859RW

Board numbers:
N733YX, N745YX, N744YX, N736YX, N723YX, N722YX


[EWR] Newark Liberty International Airport
+0.6 C 766 mm Hg. 74%
[MSP] Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain Airport
-3.8 C 761 mm Hg. 92%


Newark Liberty Intl — Minneapolis/St Paul Intl

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board