Flight QR673 Qatar Airways: Male — Doha

Qatar Airways QR673 / QTR673

Male — Doha

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
10:10 13:05
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 5 years ago

Flight history QR673 Qatar Airways: Male — Doha

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 12 october10:2513:05--
Thu. 11 october10:1512:55--
Thu. 10 october10:1512:4810:1912:49
Thu. 09 october10:1512:5010:1512:43
Thu. 08 october10:1512:5010:1412:45
Thu. 07 october10:1512:5510:5013:02
Thu. 06 october10:1512:5510:4213:10
Thu. 05 october10:1512:5510:2712:58
Thu. 04 october10:1512:5210:1512:44
Tue. 03 october10:1512:4910:1112:40
Tue. 02 october10:1512:4910:1912:48
Tue. 01 october10:1512:5510:4413:08
Thu. 27 august10:1512:55--
Thu. 26 august10:1512:55--
Thu. 25 august10:1512:5510:2612:40

Flight Qatar Airways QR673 (Male — Doha) running from the airport Malé International Airport (MLE), to the airport Hamad Int'l (DOH). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Airbus А330-300. Flight distance is 3312 km / 1787 miles, and the average flight length is 4 h. 55 min.

Low Price Calendar Male — Doha


[MLE] Malé International Airport
+25.5 C 757 mm Hg. 87%
[DOH] Hamad Int'l
+22.5 C 765 mm Hg. 49%


Male — Doha

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board