Flight KL5993 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines: Las Vegas — Atlanta

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL5993 / DAL1545

Las Vegas — Atlanta

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
09:34 16:25
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history KL5993 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines: Las Vegas — Atlanta

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 22 june09:2016:03--
Thu. 21 june09:2016:05--
Thu. 20 june09:2016:04--
Thu. 19 june09:2015:3909:2115:48
Thu. 18 june09:2015:4009:2315:56
Thu. 17 june09:2015:4509:1515:51
Thu. 16 june09:1015:3709:1915:56
Thu. 15 june09:2015:4309:2815:53
Thu. 14 june09:1015:3011:3017:49
Thu. 13 june09:1015:2809:2115:45
Thu. 12 june09:2015:4609:2015:43
Thu. 11 june09:2015:4209:1715:40
Thu. 10 june09:1015:2409:2415:49
Thu. 09 june09:2015:4309:2915:49
Thu. 08 june09:1015:3009:3016:21

Flight KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KL5993 (Las Vegas — Atlanta) running from the airport McCarran International Airport (LAS), to the airport Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-900. Flight distance is 2805 km / 1513 miles, and the average flight length is 3 h. 51 min.

Low Price Calendar Las Vegas — Atlanta

Types of aircraft flying KL5993 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines: Las Vegas — Atlanta

Airbus A321-200
Board numbers:
N303DN, N330DX, N380DN, N312DN, N341DN, N317DN, N363DN, N318DX, N344DN, N328DN, N310DN


Boeing 737-900


[LAS] McCarran International Airport
+7.1 C 760 mm Hg. 45%
[ATL] Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport
+9.4 C 760 mm Hg. 100%


Las Vegas — Atlanta

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board