Flight JL7292 Japan Airlines Domestic: Dallas — Norfolk

Japan Airlines Domestic JL7292 / AAL320

Dallas — Norfolk

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
10:25 14:11
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history JL7292 Japan Airlines Domestic: Dallas — Norfolk

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 25 april10:3614:05--
Thu. 24 april10:3614:05--
Thu. 23 april10:3614:07--
Thu. 22 april10:3614:0710:4414:16
Thu. 21 april10:3614:0510:4014:09
Thu. 19 april10:3614:0910:3514:18
Sun. 18 april10:3614:0211:30+0 h. 40 min.15:04+0 h. 53 min.
Sun. 17 april10:3613:5010:4714:11
Thu. 15 april10:3613:5610:3513:55
Thu. 14 april10:3614:0513:42+2 h. 58 min.17:06+2 h. 56 min.
Thu. 12 april10:3614:0110:3313:57
Thu. 11 april10:3614:0010:3614:01
Thu. 10 april10:3614:0510:3514:03
Thu. 09 april10:3614:0110:3814:14
Thu. 21 october10:3514:05--

Flight Japan Airlines Domestic JL7292 (Dallas — Norfolk) running from the airport Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), to the airport Norfolk International Airport (ORF). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing (Douglas) MD-80. Flight distance is 1947 km / 1051 miles, and the average flight length is 2 h. 46 min.

Low Price Calendar Dallas — Norfolk

Types of aircraft flying JL7292 Japan Airlines Domestic: Dallas — Norfolk

Boeing 737-800
Board numbers:
N948AN, N960NN, N874NN, N905NN, N973AN, N917NN, N886NN, N972NN, N895NN, N943NN, N913NN, N955AN


[DFW] Dallas Fort Worth International Airport
+0.4 C 765 mm Hg. 100%
[ORF] Norfolk International Airport
+3.9 C 769 mm Hg. 93%


Dallas — Norfolk

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board