Flight DV799 Scat Air: Astana — Krasnodar

Scat Air DV799 / VSV799

Astana — Krasnodar
On the way / Scheduled    Telegram Flight Status

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
09:50 10:20
Actual departure time Actual arrival time
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 4 months ago

Flight history DV799 Scat Air: Astana — Krasnodar

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 04 january09:5010:2009:51On the way / Scheduled
Thu. 20 november09:5010:2010:1210:55+0 h. 35 min.
Thu. 16 november09:5010:2009:5610:29
Thu. 13 november09:5010:2009:5710:39
Thu. 09 november09:5010:2010:24+0 h. 34 min.11:05+0 h. 45 min.
Thu. 06 november09:5010:2010:26+0 h. 36 min.10:58
Thu. 02 november09:5010:2009:5211:02+0 h. 42 min.
Thu. 12 october09:5010:2211:05+0 h. 35 min.-
Thu. 09 october09:5010:1009:5210:34
Thu. 05 october09:5010:1010:0310:32
Thu. 02 october09:5010:1009:5210:23
Thu. 30 september12:4013:2013:0913:48
Thu. 28 august09:5010:10--
Thu. 26 august09:5010:10--
Thu. 24 august09:5010:10--

Flight Scat Air DV799 (Astana — Krasnodar) running from the airport Astana International Airport (TSE), to the airport Krasnodar Pashkovsky International Airport (KRR). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-500. Flight distance is 2470 km / 1333 miles, and the average flight length is 3 h. 30 min.

Low Price Calendar Astana — Krasnodar

Types of aircraft flying DV799 Scat Air: Astana — Krasnodar

Boeing 737-500
Board numbers:
UPB3723, UPB3724, UPB3710


Boeing 737-500 [UPB3723]


[TSE] Astana International Airport
-11 C 767 mm Hg. 85%
[KRR] Krasnodar Pashkovsky International Airport
+8 C 758 mm Hg. 75%


Astana — Krasnodar

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board