Flight DL1655 Delta Air Lines: Seattle — Detroit

Delta Air Lines DL1655 / DAL1655

Seattle — Detroit

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
11:35 18:54
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history DL1655 Delta Air Lines: Seattle — Detroit

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 22 may11:4618:49--
Thu. 21 may11:4618:49--
Thu. 20 may11:4618:30--
Thu. 19 may11:3518:1811:5918:40
Thu. 18 may11:3618:3311:4918:47
Fri. 17 may11:3618:3111:4918:49
Fri. 16 may11:3618:2712:1019:02
Fri. 15 may11:3618:2512:0018:54
Thu. 14 may11:3618:2712:0318:56
Thu. 13 may11:3618:2011:4818:33
Thu. 12 may11:3518:1811:5018:39
Thu. 11 may11:3618:2211:4718:37
Thu. 10 may11:3618:1012:1118:45
Thu. 09 may11:3618:2012:0218:50
Thu. 08 may11:3618:1912:0318:45

Flight Delta Air Lines DL1655 (Seattle — Detroit) running from the airport Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA), to the airport Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-900. Flight distance is 3093 km / 1669 miles, and the average flight length is 4 h. 19 min.

Low Price Calendar Seattle — Detroit

Types of aircraft flying DL1655 Delta Air Lines: Seattle — Detroit

Boeing 737-900
Board numbers:
N830DN, N858DZ, N808DN, N807DN, N850DN, N839DN, N887DN, N802DN, N855DN, N805DN, N820DN, N891DN, N890DN


Boeing 737-900


[SEA] Seattle Tacoma International Airport
+4.8 C 760 mm Hg. 87%
[DTW] Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport
+2.9 C 766 mm Hg. 88%


Seattle — Detroit

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board