Flight DL149 Delta Air Lines: Amsterdam — New York

Delta Air Lines DL149 / DAL149

Amsterdam — New York

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
13:10 16:53
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history DL149 Delta Air Lines: Amsterdam — New York

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 23 march13:1016:0513:1916:26
Thu. 21 march13:1016:0013:1816:15
Thu. 20 march13:1015:5713:4516:47
Thu. 07 march13:1015:33--
Thu. 06 march13:1014:4513:2414:59
Thu. 04 march13:1015:3015:12+1 h. 49 min.16:34+0 h. 52 min.
Thu. 02 march13:1014:1613:3714:49
Thu. 28 february13:1014:1713:5615:06
Thu. 27 february13:1014:3013:2614:55
Thu. 25 february13:1015:0313:4415:46
Thu. 23 february13:1015:0214:0116:22
Thu. 21 february13:1015:2013:2515:44
Thu. 20 december13:1015:51--
Thu. 19 december13:1015:1313:2315:40
Thu. 17 december13:1015:0113:2415:15

Flight Delta Air Lines DL149 (Amsterdam — New York) running from the airport Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS), to the airport Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 767-300. Flight distance is 5868 km / 3166 miles, and the average flight length is 8 h. 43 min.

Low Price Calendar Amsterdam — New York

Types of aircraft flying DL149 Delta Air Lines: Amsterdam — New York

Boeing 767-300
Board numbers:
N152DL, N198DN, N193DN, N187DN, N189DN, N156DL, N181DN, N194DN, N180DN, N153DL, N199DN


Boeing 767-300


[AMS] Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
+8.6 C 753 mm Hg. 87%
[EWR] Newark Liberty International Airport
+0.6 C 766 mm Hg. 74%


Amsterdam — New York

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board