Flight CZ6019 China Southern Airlines: Urumqi — Dushanbe

China Southern Airlines CZ6019 / CSN6019

Urumqi — Dushanbe
On the way / Scheduled    Telegram Flight Status

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
08:55 08:19
Actual departure time Actual arrival time
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history CZ6019 China Southern Airlines: Urumqi — Dushanbe

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 30 september08:5508:1009:1408:34
Thu. 26 september08:5508:1809:1008:44
Thu. 23 september08:5508:2909:0808:42
Thu. 19 september08:5508:1508:5808:26
Thu. 24 june08:5508:2009:28+0 h. 33 min.On the way / Delayed
Tue. 20 june08:5508:2509:1508:45
Thu. 17 june08:5508:1908:5508:22
Thu. 13 june08:5508:2508:5308:33
Thu. 10 june08:5508:2111:13+2 h. 2 min.10:48+1 h. 55 min.
Thu. 23 may08:5508:40--
Thu. 20 may08:5508:2809:0308:40
Tue. 16 may08:5508:2409:0008:42
Thu. 13 may08:5508:4108:5408:28
Thu. 09 may08:5508:3808:4708:19
Tue. 22 april08:5508:1909:11On the way / Scheduled

Flight China Southern Airlines CZ6019 (Urumqi — Dushanbe) running from the airport Ürümqi Diwopu International Airport (URC), to the airport Dushanbe Airport (DYU). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-800. Flight distance is 1665 km / 899 miles, and the average flight length is 3 h. 10 min.

Low Price Calendar Urumqi — Dushanbe

Types of aircraft flying CZ6019 China Southern Airlines: Urumqi — Dushanbe

Boeing 737-800
Board numbers:
B-7972, B-7997, B-7996, B-7970, B-7995, B-7968, B-7967, B-1520


Boeing 737-800 [B-1520]


[URC] Ürümqi Diwopu International Airport
-6 C 769 mm Hg. 92%
[DYU] Dushanbe Airport
+9 C 766 mm Hg. 45%


Urumqi — Dushanbe

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board