Flight BR88 EVA Air: Paris — Тайбей

EVA Air BR88 / EVA88

Paris — Тайбей
On the way / Delayed    Telegram Flight Status

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
11:20 06:09
Actual departure time Actual arrival time
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 7 months ago

Flight history BR88 EVA Air: Paris — Тайбей

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 04 july11:3006:20--
Thu. 03 july11:3006:20--
Tue. 02 july11:2006:0911:53On the way / Delayed
Tue. 01 july11:2006:0711:4906:28
Thu. 30 june11:2006:1811:5306:39
Thu. 29 june11:2006:2712:21+0 h. 46 min.07:18+0 h. 57 min.
Thu. 28 june11:2006:3911:5607:11+0 h. 49 min.
Thu. 27 june11:2006:2511:5406:49
Thu. 26 june11:2006:2313:07+1 h. 37 min.08:08+1 h. 44 min.
Thu. 25 june11:2006:1012:0506:49
Thu. 24 june11:2006:1112:1206:50
Thu. 23 june11:2006:1111:4906:26
Thu. 22 june11:2006:1112:22+0 h. 41 min.06:52
Mon. 21 june11:2006:1011:4406:27
Tue. 20 june11:2006:1112:24+0 h. 45 min.07:09+0 h. 44 min.

Flight EVA Air BR88 (Paris — Тайбей) running from the airport Charles de Gaulle International Airport (CDG), to the airport Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 777-300ER. Flight distance is 9785 km / 5280 miles, and the average flight length is 13 h. 10 min.

Low Price Calendar Paris — Тайбей

Types of aircraft flying BR88 EVA Air: Paris — Тайбей

Boeing 777-300ER
Board numbers:
B-16736, B-16705, B-16706, B-16711, B-16717, B-16715


Boeing 777-300ER [B-16736]


[CDG] Charles de Gaulle International Airport
+8.2 C 758 mm Hg. 93%
[TPE] Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
+19.3 C 764 mm Hg. 93%


Paris — Тайбей

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board