Flight AM8 AeroMéxico: London — Mexico City

AeroMéxico AM8 / AMX8

London — Mexico City

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
22:30 04:20
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 8 months ago

Flight history AM8 AeroMéxico: London — Mexico City

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Wed. 20 september22:4504:00--
Thu. 19 september22:4504:00--
Thu. 18 september22:4504:00--
Thu. 17 september22:4503:2722:5403:50
Thu. 16 september22:4003:1922:4703:41
Thu. 15 september22:4503:4623:0804:11
Thu. 14 september22:4503:2722:5703:53
Thu. 13 september22:4503:2822:3603:32
Thu. 12 september22:4503:4722:4703:35
Thu. 11 september22:4503:4522:3603:53
Wed. 10 september22:4503:2722:5003:44
Tue. 09 september22:4003:0622:4203:13
Thu. 08 september22:4503:1422:5303:29
Thu. 07 september22:4503:2422:5503:38
Thu. 06 september22:4503:0123:1403:39

Flight AeroMéxico AM8 (London — Mexico City) running from the airport London Heathrow Airport (LHR), to the airport Licenciado Benito Juarez International Airport (MEX). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 787-800. Flight distance is 8903 km / 4804 miles, and the average flight length is 11 h. 50 min.

Low Price Calendar London — Mexico City

Types of aircraft flying AM8 AeroMéxico: London — Mexico City

Boeing 787-800
Board numbers:
N961AM, N967AM, N782AM, N964AM, N965AM, XA-AMR, N783AM


Boeing 787-800


[LHR] London Heathrow Airport
+8.5 C 756 mm Hg. 81%
[MEX] Licenciado Benito Juarez International Airport
+6.4 C 771 mm Hg. 87%


London — Mexico City

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board