Flight 7H3240 Era Alaska: Nome — Гамбел

Era Alaska 7H3240 / HAG3240

Nome — Гамбел

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
08:50 09:35
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history 7H3240 Era Alaska: Nome — Гамбел

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Fri. 03 october08:3009:1008:3909:20
Fri. 02 october08:3009:1011:13+2 h. 43 min.11:50+2 h. 40 min.
Fri. 20 march08:3009:1109:03+0 h. 33 min.09:51+0 h. 40 min.
Thu. 16 march15:0015:5015:0915:59
Thu. 15 march08:3009:1009:21+0 h. 51 min.10:05+0 h. 55 min.
Thu. 13 march08:3009:0909:07+0 h. 37 min.09:46+0 h. 37 min.
Thu. 10 march08:3009:0909:11+0 h. 41 min.09:49+0 h. 40 min.

Flight Era Alaska 7H3240 (Nome — Гамбел) running from the airport Nome Airport (OME), to the airport Savoonga Airport (SVA). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Beechcraft 1900. Flight distance is 262 km / 141 miles, and the average flight length is 1 h. 0 min.

Low Price Calendar Nome — Гамбел


[OME] Nome Airport
-13 C 748 mm Hg. 78%
[SVA] Savoonga Airport
-6.6 C 748 mm Hg. 79%


Nome — Гамбел

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board