Flight WZ5553 Red Wings: Moscow — Симферополь

Red Wings WZ5553 /

Moscow — Симферополь

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
10:15 12:55
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 3 years ago

Flight history WZ5553 Red Wings: Moscow — Симферополь

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 26 september10:3312:4010:3312:40
Thu. 20 september11:0613:1911:0613:19
Thu. 28 august10:2712:2710:2712:27
Thu. 27 august10:4812:5310:4812:53
Thu. 26 august10:2612:3710:2612:37
Thu. 25 august10:2912:3810:2912:38
Thu. 22 august10:2612:3910:2612:39
Thu. 21 august10:3312:3710:3312:37
Thu. 16 august10:3312:5410:3312:54
Thu. 14 august10:2312:3110:2312:31
Thu. 12 august10:3912:3010:3912:30
Thu. 07 august10:2712:3610:2712:36
Thu. 06 august10:2812:3410:2812:34
Thu. 04 august10:2812:5210:2812:52
Thu. 29 july10:2512:2710:2512:27

Flight Red Wings WZ5553 (Moscow — Симферополь) performed from airport Domodedovo International Airport (DME), to the airport Simferopol International Airport (SIP). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Boeing 737. Flight distance is 1185 km / 639 miles, and average flight time is 2 h. 40 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar Moscow — Симферополь


[DME] Domodedovo International Airport
+5.1 C 752 mm Hg. 86%
[SIP] Simferopol International Airport
+12.8 C 750 mm Hg. 66%


Moscow — Симферополь

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board