Flight TW431 Tway Airlines: Daegu — Vladivostok

Tway Airlines TW431 / TWB431

Daegu — Vladivostok

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
07:50 11:45
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history TW431 Tway Airlines: Daegu — Vladivostok

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 17 october11:0014:55--
Tue. 15 october07:5011:25--
Thu. 12 october11:0014:0610:5914:10
Thu. 10 october11:0014:5511:0514:10
Thu. 08 october07:5011:2008:0611:12
Thu. 05 october11:0014:3111:1214:43
Sat. 03 october11:0014:5511:1014:10
Thu. 30 april07:5011:25--
Thu. 27 april11:0015:0511:0614:27
Thu. 25 april11:0014:5111:0114:10
Tue. 23 april07:5011:2108:0711:28
Thu. 20 april11:0015:0511:1014:49
Thu. 18 april11:0015:0511:0914:30

Flight Tway Airlines TW431 (Daegu — Vladivostok) performed from airport Daegu Airport (TAE), to the airport Vladivostok International Airport (VVO). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Boeing 737. Flight distance is 886 km / 478 miles, and average flight time is 2 h. 55 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar Daegu — Vladivostok


[TAE] Daegu Airport
-2 C 765 mm Hg. 86%
[VVO] Vladivostok International Airport
-10 C 769 mm Hg. 47%


Daegu — Vladivostok

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board