Flight QF3174 Qantas: Atlanta — Dallas

Qantas QF3174 / AAL2770

Atlanta — Dallas

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
12:40 14:08
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history QF3174 Qantas: Atlanta — Dallas

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 20 october06:1007:06--
Thu. 19 october06:1007:1206:1907:18
Thu. 18 october06:1007:1306:2107:11
Thu. 17 october06:1007:0406:1107:00
Thu. 16 october06:1007:0406:1007:01
Sun. 15 october06:1007:0406:1807:10
Sun. 13 october06:1007:0606:2107:12
Thu. 12 october06:1007:0806:2207:16
Thu. 11 october06:1007:0506:1407:02
Thu. 10 october06:1007:1806:1707:05
Thu. 09 october06:1006:5706:1006:58
Thu. 08 october06:1006:5406:2207:08
Thu. 06 october06:1006:5306:1406:57

Flight Qantas QF3174 (Atlanta — Dallas) performed from airport Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL), to the airport Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Boeing 737-800. Flight distance is 1174 km / 634 miles, and average flight time is 2 h. 28 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar Atlanta — Dallas

Types of aircraft carrying out the flight QF3174 Qantas: Atlanta — Dallas

Boeing 737-800
Registration numbers:
N922NN, N985NN, N994NN, N839NN, N803NN, N309PC, N822NN, N938NN, N872NN, N970AN, N945NN, N866NN


Boeing 737-800


[ATL] Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport
+9.4 C 760 mm Hg. 100%
[DFW] Dallas Fort Worth International Airport
+0.4 C 765 mm Hg. 100%


Atlanta — Dallas

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board