Flight OZ747 Asiana Airlines: Seoul — Phuket

Asiana Airlines OZ747 / AAR747

Seoul — Phuket

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
20:10 00:30
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 5 years ago

Flight history OZ747 Asiana Airlines: Seoul — Phuket

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Sat. 01 june17:1521:00--
Thu. 31 may17:1521:00--
Thu. 30 may20:2500:25--
Thu. 29 may20:0023:4121:25+1 h. 19 min.01:10+1 h. 6 min.
Thu. 28 may20:1523:5720:3800:23
Thu. 27 may20:4500:2921:46+0 h. 49 min.19:46+0 h. 52 min.
Thu. 26 may20:0023:4520:3700:22
Thu. 25 may20:0023:5320:1500:03
Thu. 24 may20:0023:4720:50+0 h. 44 min.00:38+0 h. 32 min.
Thu. 23 may20:0023:4720:1700:04
Mon. 22 may20:0023:5620:2500:20
Mon. 21 may20:0000:0020:2000:11
Mon. 20 may20:0023:5020:1800:08
Thu. 19 may20:0023:3920:57+0 h. 43 min.00:40+0 h. 36 min.
Thu. 18 may20:0023:4220:3600:19

Flight Asiana Airlines OZ747 (Seoul — Phuket) performed from airport Incheon International Airport (ICN), to the airport Phuket International Airport (HKT). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Airbus А330-300. Flight distance is 4320 km / 2331 miles, and average flight time is 6 h. 20 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar Seoul — Phuket

Types of aircraft carrying out the flight OZ747 Asiana Airlines: Seoul — Phuket

Airbus A330
Registration numbers:
HL7740, HL7736, HL7794, HL7795, HL8286, HL7754


[ICN] Incheon International Airport
+4.8 C 768 mm Hg. 80%
[HKT] Phuket International Airport
+31 C 758 mm Hg. 62%


Seoul — Phuket

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board