Flight HY202 Uzbekistan Airways: London — Tashkent

Uzbekistan Airways HY202 / UZB202

London — Tashkent
On the way / Delayed    Flight status in Telegram

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
21:45 08:24
Actual departure time Actual arrival time
+1 h. 35 min.
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 5 years ago

Flight history HY202 Uzbekistan Airways: London — Tashkent

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 05 march18:1005:40--
Tue. 01 march18:1005:4921:29+3 h. 29 min.09:07+3 h. 17 min.
Thu. 26 february18:1005:4018:2106:05
Thu. 22 february18:1005:4018:2506:25+0 h. 35 min.
Tue. 19 february18:1005:4018:2505:37
Thu. 20 october21:4508:15--
Thu. 17 october21:4508:1522:11+0 h. 36 min.08:29
Sun. 13 october21:4508:1522:50+1 h. 15 min.08:56+0 h. 31 min.
Thu. 10 october21:4508:1522:19+0 h. 44 min.08:58+0 h. 33 min.
Thu. 06 october21:4508:1521:5608:17
Thu. 29 september21:4508:2423:20+1 h. 35 min.On the way / Delayed
Thu. 26 september21:4508:1521:5508:28
Sun. 22 september21:4508:1522:26+0 h. 51 min.08:38
Thu. 19 september21:4508:1522:0208:27
Thu. 15 september21:4508:1522:12+0 h. 37 min.08:12

Flight Uzbekistan Airways HY202 (London — Tashkent) performed from airport London Heathrow Airport (LHR), to the airport Tashkent International Airport (TAS). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Boeing 767-400. Flight distance is 5261 km / 2839 miles, and average flight time is 6 h. 50 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar London — Tashkent

Types of aircraft carrying out the flight HY202 Uzbekistan Airways: London — Tashkent

Boeing 757-200
Registration numbers:
UK-75701, UK-75705, UK-75703, UK-75702, UK-67008, UK-75704


Boeing 767-400 [UK-75702]


[LHR] London Heathrow Airport
+8.5 C 756 mm Hg. 81%
[TAS] Tashkent International Airport
0 C 768 mm Hg. 60%


London — Tashkent

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board