Flight DG6273 South East Asian Airlines: Caticlan — Cebu City

South East Asian Airlines DG6273 / SRQ6273

Caticlan — Cebu City

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
09:50 11:05
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 6 years ago

Flight history DG6273 South East Asian Airlines: Caticlan — Cebu City

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Tue. 18 december09:5010:45--
Tue. 16 december09:5010:4710:1011:08
Thu. 15 december09:5010:5510:0010:48
Thu. 14 december09:5010:5609:5810:56
Thu. 12 december09:5011:0211:05+1 h. 3 min.11:51+0 h. 55 min.
Thu. 09 december09:5010:5409:4910:52
Thu. 07 december09:5010:5509:5010:45

Flight South East Asian Airlines DG6273 (Caticlan — Cebu City) performed from airport Godofredo P. Ramos Airport (MPH), to the airport Mactan Cebu International Airport (CEB). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family ATR 72. Flight distance is 285 km / 154 miles, and average flight time is 1 h. 15 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar Caticlan — Cebu City

Types of aircraft carrying out the flight DG6273 South East Asian Airlines: Caticlan — Cebu City

Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72
Registration numbers:
RP-C7281, RP-C7283


[MPH] Godofredo P. Ramos Airport
+26.9 C 758 mm Hg. 83%
[CEB] Mactan Cebu International Airport
+30 C 757 mm Hg. 62%


Caticlan — Cebu City

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board