Flight BT424 Air Baltic: Riga — Moscow

Air Baltic BT424 / BTI424

Riga — Moscow

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
07:20 09:00
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 4 years ago

Flight history BT424 Air Baltic: Riga — Moscow

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 03 september07:2508:40--
Thu. 02 september07:2508:40--
Thu. 01 september07:2508:5307:4609:13
Thu. 31 august07:2508:5107:5309:21+0 h. 32 min.
Thu. 30 august07:2508:4607:4509:04
Thu. 29 august07:2508:4907:3909:08
Thu. 28 august07:2508:4007:3508:50
Thu. 27 august07:2508:5007:3808:58
Thu. 26 august07:2508:4007:4409:10
Thu. 25 august07:2508:4607:5609:17
Thu. 24 august07:2508:4507:4709:16
Thu. 23 august07:2508:2007:5609:19
Thu. 22 august07:2508:4007:4409:14
Thu. 21 august07:2508:4407:4909:07
Thu. 05 october07:2508:40--

Flight Air Baltic BT424 (Riga — Moscow) performed from airport Riga International Airport (RIX), to the airport Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Boeing 737-300. Flight distance is 832 km / 449 miles, and average flight time is 1 h. 40 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar Riga — Moscow


Boeing 737-300


[RIX] Riga International Airport
+5.5 C 749 mm Hg. 93%
[SVO] Sheremetyevo International Airport
+5.3 C 752 mm Hg. 100%


Riga — Moscow

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board