Flight B6434 JetBlue Airways: San Francisco — Boston

JetBlue Airways B6434 / JBU434

San Francisco — Boston

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
07:50 16:18
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history B6434 JetBlue Airways: San Francisco — Boston

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 02 january07:5015:59--
Thu. 01 january07:5015:59--
Thu. 31 december07:5015:3808:0315:47
Thu. 30 december07:5015:3407:5215:27
Tue. 29 december07:5015:4708:0515:58
Tue. 28 december07:5015:5407:4915:44
Thu. 27 december07:5015:4507:5015:40
Thu. 26 december07:5015:3407:5515:31
Thu. 25 december07:5015:3208:0815:40
Thu. 24 december07:5015:4007:5615:43
Thu. 23 december07:5015:3007:5615:30
Thu. 22 december07:5015:3908:0515:55
Thu. 21 december07:5015:5107:5215:49
Thu. 20 december07:5015:3408:0215:43
Thu. 19 december07:5015:5207:5815:49

Flight JetBlue Airways B6434 (San Francisco — Boston) performed from airport San Francisco International Airport (SFO), to the airport General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport (BOS). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Airbus A318/319/320/321. Flight distance is 4341 km / 2342 miles, and average flight time is 5 h. 28 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar San Francisco — Boston

Types of aircraft carrying out the flight B6434 JetBlue Airways: San Francisco — Boston

Airbus A320
Registration numbers:
N978JB, N988JT

Airbus A321-200
Registration numbers:
N982JB, N983JT, N946JL, N987JT, N984JB, N976JT, N947JB, N988JT


[SFO] San Francisco International Airport
+4.9 C 760 mm Hg. 100%
[BOS] General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport
-0 C 764 mm Hg. 64%


San Francisco — Boston

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board