Flight B61468 JetBlue Airways: Punta Cana — New York

JetBlue Airways B61468 / JBU1468

Punta Cana — New York
On the way / Delayed    Flight status in Telegram

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
15:05 18:46
Actual departure time Actual arrival time
+1 h. 34 min.
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history B61468 JetBlue Airways: Punta Cana — New York

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 26 april15:3119:18--
Thu. 25 april15:0518:21--
Mon. 24 april15:0518:4616:53+1 h. 34 min.On the way / Delayed
Mon. 23 april15:0518:5115:3319:06
Mon. 22 april15:0518:4615:3519:02
Thu. 21 april15:0518:4815:3419:14
Thu. 20 april15:0519:0415:0718:30
Thu. 19 april15:0518:4115:2118:55
Thu. 18 april15:0518:5715:0318:59
Thu. 17 april15:0519:0015:3919:16
Thu. 16 april15:0518:3016:49+1 h. 25 min.20:12+1 h. 12 min.
Thu. 15 april15:0518:4715:3419:02
Thu. 14 april15:0519:0316:23+0 h. 57 min.20:02+0 h. 51 min.
Thu. 13 april15:0519:2214:5818:41
Mon. 12 april15:0518:4515:3319:02

Flight JetBlue Airways B61468 (Punta Cana — New York) performed from airport Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ), to the airport John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Airbus А321. Flight distance is 2508 km / 1353 miles, and average flight time is 4 h. 10 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar Punta Cana — New York

Types of aircraft carrying out the flight B61468 JetBlue Airways: Punta Cana — New York

Airbus A321-200
Registration numbers:
N965JT, N957JB, N903JB, N975JT, N970JB, N972JT, N952JB, N950JT, N966JT, N907JB


Airbus А321 [N965JT]

Code sharing

* Code sharing — agreement on joint commercial exploitation of a flight by two or more airlines, one of which is operator, and the other sells tickets for the operator’s flight on their own behalf.


[PUJ] Punta Cana International Airport
+23 C 761 mm Hg. 94%
[JFK] John F Kennedy International Airport
+1.1 C 766 mm Hg. 80%


Punta Cana — New York

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board