Flight AA2234 American Airlines: New York — Dallas

American Airlines AA2234 / AAL2234

New York — Dallas

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
06:29 09:28
* Local time

Flight details have been updated 5 years ago

Flight history AA2234 American Airlines: New York — Dallas

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 30 april08:2011:08--
Sat. 29 april08:2010:44--
Tue. 28 april08:1010:5508:3911:06
Thu. 27 april08:1010:5008:2010:34
Thu. 26 april08:2010:3608:3510:47
Thu. 25 april08:2011:0708:3311:05
Thu. 24 april08:2010:4408:2210:50
Thu. 23 april08:2010:3708:2810:43
Thu. 22 april08:2010:2608:2910:28
Thu. 21 april08:1010:4009:07+0 h. 32 min.11:14
Thu. 20 april08:2010:2509:11+0 h. 51 min.11:09
Thu. 19 april08:2010:3308:4611:01
Sat. 18 april08:2011:0608:4812:08+0 h. 54 min.
Sat. 17 april08:2010:4408:2310:47
Sat. 16 april08:2011:0908:3010:48

Flight American Airlines AA2234 (New York — Dallas) performed from airport John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK), to the airport Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). The flight is operated by airplanes of aircraft family Boeing 737-800. Flight distance is 2235 km / 1206 miles, and average flight time is 3 h. 59 min.

Cheap Flights Calendar New York — Dallas

Types of aircraft carrying out the flight AA2234 American Airlines: New York — Dallas

Boeing 767-300
Registration numbers:
N391AA, N393AN, N398AN, N392AN, N388AA


Boeing 737-800


[JFK] John F Kennedy International Airport
+1.1 C 766 mm Hg. 80%
[DFW] Dallas Fort Worth International Airport
+0.4 C 765 mm Hg. 100%


New York — Dallas

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board