Flight Status Tracking Bot

Our bot will send you flight status alerts when a flight departs or lands. All you need is to specify the flight number and date (Optional).

What notifications does the bot send out


As soon as the flight departs, you will receive a notification.

On the way

When the flight completes 50-60% of the route, you will receive a notification.

Has arrived

When the flight arrives at the destination airport, you will receive a message.

Flight delayed

If the flight information changes, you will receive a message.

arriving soon

15 minutes prior to the flight's arrival, you will receive a notification.


For some events, for example, the flight covered half the route, the bot sends a snapshot of the map. But you can also request using the command /map current position of the flight on the map.

How can you work with the bot?

1. Connect to bot

2. Sign up for flight status. /flight Flight number (For example /flight SU123) or sign up for flight status alerts on a selected day /flight Flight number Departure date (For example /flight SU123 2018-03-15)

4. Hooray! You are subscribed! As soon as the flight status changes (the flight departs, arrives, etc...), you will receive corresponding notification.