Flight AC5221 Air Canada: Edmonton — Houston

Air Canada AC5221 / UAL2084

Edmonton — Houston

Scheduled departure time Scheduled Arrival Time
06:46 12:06
* Local time

Flight details have been updated a long time ago

Flight history AC5221 Air Canada: Edmonton — Houston

Date Scheduled departure Scheduled Arrivals Actual departure time Actual arrival time
Thu. 30 june08:2513:17--
Thu. 29 june08:2513:17--
Thu. 28 june08:2513:17--
Thu. 27 june08:2513:1208:1913:02
Thu. 26 june08:1512:5408:2113:07
Thu. 25 june08:2513:1408:1813:18
Thu. 24 june08:2513:1508:2413:16
Thu. 23 june08:2513:1708:1713:09
Thu. 22 june08:2513:3608:4313:44
Mon. 21 june08:1512:4909:02+0 h. 36 min.13:38
Thu. 20 june08:2513:1508:2113:13
Thu. 19 june08:2513:2108:1913:36
Thu. 18 june08:1513:0508:1913:17
Thu. 17 june08:1513:0408:2013:13
Thu. 16 june08:1513:0008:2613:26

Flight Air Canada AC5221 (Edmonton — Houston) running from the airport Edmonton International Airport (YEG), to the airport George Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport (IAH). The flight is operated by the family's aircraft Boeing 737-800. Flight distance is 2984 km / 1610 miles, and the average flight length is 4 h. 20 min.

Low Price Calendar Edmonton — Houston

Types of aircraft flying AC5221 Air Canada: Edmonton — Houston

Airbus A320
Board numbers:
N455UA, N407UA, N435UA, N411UA, N406UA, N479UA, N409UA, N481UA, N408UA, N431UA, N452UA, N426UA, N419UA, N482UA, N480UA


Boeing 737-800


[YEG] Edmonton International Airport
-6.1 C 758 mm Hg. 92%
[IAH] George Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport
+15.2 C 767 mm Hg. 44%


Edmonton — Houston

Flight rating

Overall rating
Flight punctuality
Service on board
Meals on board